Wednesday, January 05, 2005

Want unity ? …. Pray for calamity !!!

While the world is still in a state of shock and sorrow in the aftermath of the dreadful tsunami, it is great to see that everyone is getting together to help the sufferers. Infact if one really wants to see a silver lining in this horrifying episode, if ever there can be one, then it is the fact that all the countries are fighting against the same enemy. Sense of unity is in the air. There is no doubt in my mind that the world has come more closer …. but then a question pops up in my mind …. what till time length can this unity sustain ? I am afraid but as I see it, the sense of unity will be thrown out of the window when we get out this state of shock. And as the truth about life is that it goes on, everything will be as usual. Tensions between countries and other ugly things like disharmony, disputes, discrimination etc will again crop it head up.
So if one looks at it logically then it is obvious that there has to be some sort of a calamity to bring about unity. I have used the word calamity because it is normally used in context of something natural where one can blame no one but nature.
This is something which is true when the whole world is taken into consideration.

Now lets consider countries. People in any country will come together like anything when there is a war situation or some things on similar line. So again logically speaking, to bring people in a country together there has to be some kind of a war (mere exaggeration to drive the point home).

One can consider any magnitude of the domain.. world, country, state, religion or anything else … the logic remains the same. People in a domain will unite only when some unfavorable thing has happened to that domain.

I think that most of the people will agree with this logic, however I think that it is a very confusing logic. The reason I say this is because this can lead to two contradictory conclusions. First is that man is actually has a very peace-loving kind of a nature and on some subconscious level believes strongly in unity of human race … that’s the reason why one is searching for occasions to show that they believe in unity. They get this occasion during any kind of a calamity and in such a case they don’t hold back.
Second is that man has a very foxy mind and he will come together with other people only when he cannot handle the situation by himself. So its like when I am in need I want a friend indeed, and when I am not in need I don’t care.

The only thing I can say is that if the first conclusion is true then after some point in time earth will be indeed a beautiful place. And if the second one is true then … well … if u want unity then pray for calamity !!